State News

Accept responsibility for your Dam Disgrace, Labor

12 January 2024

As Queensland’s cost-of-living rises, Labor flushes taxpayer dollars down the drain


Make no mistake, the effects of Labor’s Paradise Dam Disgrace will be felt for years and it’s Queenslanders who will pay the price.

At a time when many Queenslanders are struggling to make ends meet, they’ll again be forced to pay for another Labor infrastructure fail.

Why did Labor and Steven Miles not inform Queenslanders about issues with the wall when they first became aware of them?

Farmers are already facing some of the most uncertain growing conditions on record along with the skyrocketing cost-of-living pressures and now this?

Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams Deb Frecklington said Queenslanders have indisputable proof Labor cannot be trusted to build and maintain dams to ensure our growing state has the water security it needs.

“Former Premier Peter Beattie said it himself – “if the problems were identified years ago, why has there been such a delay?”

“Queenslanders deserve an answer and it’s time Labor owns up to its Dam Disgrace.

“Until then, how on earth can Queenslanders be expected to trust a word that comes out of Steven Miles’ mouth?

“Because they are in chaos and crisis Labor lied to Queenslanders for the last four years about Paradise Dam.

“You’d have to wonder why Steven Miles has such a sudden interest in fruit and vegetable price rises – is it because he knew the actions of his government would drive up prices?

“Labor under Steven Miles is beyond a joke.”

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said Paradise Dam is quite possibly the greatest infrastructure fail in our nation’s history.

“How has Labor not disclosed the need to walk away from the Paradise Dam rebuild sooner?

“Just when we thought Labor couldn’t get more arrogant and out of touch, Queenslanders are given this dam debacle.

“My office has been flooded with calls from distressed residents who are still in disbelief.

“Labor knows no bounds when it comes to wasting the money of hardworking Queenslanders.”

CEO of Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers and LNP candidate for Bundaberg Bree Watson said the implications for farmers are catastrophic.

“Make no mistake, this decision will drive up fruit and vegetable prices across the State.

“Labor’s chaos and crisis is costing Queenslanders dearly.

“Farmers are sick of dealing with Labor’s failures and want a Government that has their back.

“The LNP will continue to stand up for Queenslanders who deserve better.”