State News

Ambulance delays plague Cairns

8 December 2023

Six six years and waiting –
Ambulance delays plague Cairns


The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s promised multi-million-dollar upgrade to the Cairns Ambulance Station and Operations Centre remains in tatters, six years after it was announced.

The Premier unveiled the $5.6 million commitment in July 2017, but the 2023-24 State Budget showed just $502,000 had been spent on the project and the new cost had blown out to more than $14 million.

Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said the Palaszczuk Labor Government can’t be trusted to deliver health infrastructure on time or on budget.

“This is an outrageous delay from a State Government in chaos and crisis,” Ms Bates said.

“Far North Queenslanders were promised these upgrades six years ago and the Palaszczuk Labor Government has completely failed to uphold their commitment.

“The Premier and her conga-line of failed Health Ministers over the past nine years have taken Cairns for granted.

“Cairns MP Michael Healy should feel ashamed that this crucial project has been left to rot for six years and he’s done nothing to fast-track the refurbishment.

“Far North Queenslanders deserve better.”

LNP Candidate for Cairns Yolonde Entsch said Far North Queenslanders can’t trust the Palaszczuk Labor Government to deliver.

“In the middle of a health crisis, Cairns can’t even get upgrades to an ambulance station,” Ms Entsch said.

“I know how frustrated paramedics and operational staff have become after six years of delays and broken promises.

“The Premier, Health Minister and Michael Healy clearly don’t understand how important these upgrades are for the people of Far North Queensland.

“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future.

“I won’t stop fighting for the people of Cairns and hold the government to account to ensure these upgrades get underway.”

Source: $5.6M overhaul for Cairns Ambulance Station and Operations Centre – Ministerial Media Statements