State News

Biloela maternity bypass reaches grim milestone

8 January 2024

500 DAYS: Biloela maternity bypass reaches grim milestone under Labor’s chaos and crisis
Minister must commit to a reopening date for Biloela maternity services


The State Labor Government has passed a grim milestone in Queensland’s Maternity Crisis.

500 days have now passed since the State Government shut the doors on full maternity services in Biloela, forcing mothers to travel two hours to deliver their babies.

Despite the grim milestone, the Health Minister is refusing to reveal when, or even if, maternity services will be restored to Biloela.

Today the LNP called on the Minister to reveal a reopening date for maternity services at Biloela Hospital.

Shadow Health Minister and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said Labor couldn’t be trusted on delivering the world-class health services Queenslanders need.

“Labor’s Maternity Crisis runs far deeper than they admit and they’ve stopped listening to the families pleading for their local maternity services to reopen,” Ms Bates said.

“Labor’s wrong priorities has seen them close 37 maternity services across the State and others are hanging on by a thread.

“Such is the chaos and crisis of Labor, mothers in Biloela are still waiting for answers 500 days after their local maternity service was put on bypass.

“The fact full maternity services have still not been restored at Biloela for 500 days proves Labor has the wrong priorities for Queensland.

“Our priority is giving Queenslanders easier access to health services, including reopening maternity services in Regional Queensland.”

LNP Member for Callide Bryson Head said he wouldn’t stop fighting until maternity services in Biloela reopen.

“This vital service for Bilo has been closed for 500 days, yet there has been no action from the State Government,” Mr Head said.

“From listening to mothers and expectant mothers’ stories, the importance of maternity services to our towns can’t be understated.

“To know that it’s been 500 days since the Biloela maternity ward was put on bypass is devastating.

“The Labor Government has been ignoring cries for change since the bypass began and those cries have only grown stronger.

“This bypass is a risk to mothers, a risk to babies and a blow to young couples who want to call this community home.

“Labor must bring back our local maternity services in Bilo today.”