State News

Bundaberg small businesses pay high price for Dam Disaster

18 January 2024

Wide Bay small and family businesses remain in limbo, unable to invest or expand without water security in their region due to the Labor State Government’s Paradise Dam Disaster.

Thousands of jobs are at risk, and costs will continue to rise for businesses and families as a result of Labor’s chaos and crisis and their Dam Disaster.

Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business Brent Mickelberg and LNP Candidate for Bundaberg Bree Watson met with local farmers and business owners today to listen to their concerns.

“It’s beyond belief how badly local farmers and businesses have been let down by Labor’s epic failure,” Mr Mickelberg said.

“Businesses need water security to feel confident enough to invest in their future.

“We know that irrigators grow more than $1 billion in agricultural produce here in the Food Bowl every year.

“They deserve a Government that supports them, not one that is costing them more and threatening their lifeblood.

“It’s not just the farmers that are at risk. Businesses like local retailers, restaurants and cafes all rely on a thriving local agriculture industry. 

“Ensuring water and job security are essential for Bundaberg and the wider region to prosper, but it’s increasing clear that only the LNP is focused on the right priorities for Queensland’s future.”

LNP candidate for Bundaberg Bree Watson says her community needs water security so businesses can expand their operations.

“Water really is liquid gold here. The agriculture sector is one of our biggest employers with more than 8,000 direct jobs,” Ms Watson says.

“Labor has really let our community down.

“I have been listening to local businesses who say they want to invest and grow but need to know the ag industry is here to stay.”