State News

Callide outage costing Queenslanders more

23 January 2024

Minister Mick de Brenni can spin and try keep Queenslanders in the dark all he likes, but Queenslanders’ rising power bills don’t lie.

The State Labor Government promised to have one of Queensland’s biggest power plants Callide C, back online by tomorrow.

They will now miss that deadline, again.

It has been 973 days since the explosion and tomorrow will be the seventh missed deadline since December 2022 to get Callide up and running.

Yesterday, Queensland did not have enough capacity to meet demand, failed to keep the lights on and had to buy power from New South Wales.

The litany of failures of the State Labor Government was the reason why we had a huge supply issue.

It’s the price Queenslanders pay for Labor’s chaos and crisis.

Supply issues drive up prices. That costs Queenslanders more.

This is more proof you can’t trust Labor to deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.

Queenslanders have the biggest pressures in the nation when it comes to electricity bills.

Slick Mick told Queenslanders their power bills wouldn’t rise after Callide went down, yet the average household electricity bill has soared by 23.6%.

How can Queenslanders trust anything he says?

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you from paying for Labor’s failures.