State News

Housing Crisis Labor’s Waitlist Logjam

13 January 2024

Queensland’s social housing waitlist grows again


Queensland’s social housing waitlist has escalated again despite multi-billion dollar promises and repeated claims by the third-term Labor Government that more people are getting into homes. 

In a devastating blow for vulnerable Queenslanders, new State Government data has revealed the social housing waitlist continued to climb during 2023. 

The new statistics show 43,047 Queenslanders are on the September 2023 waitlist, up from 41,484 in June. 

Shadow Minister for Housing Tim Mander said the housing crisis was getting worse and the third-term Labor Government must adopt the LNP’s plans. 

“More vulnerable Queenslanders are caught in Labor’s housing logjam because of nine years of poor planning,” Mr Mander said.  

“The third-term Labor Government promised a $2 billion Housing Investment Fund two and a half years ago, but it hasn’t built a single home and not one project has been approved in regional Queensland. 

“Never before has there been a more difficult time to find, secure or keep a roof over your head in Queensland, than now under Labor. 

“Queenslanders are fighting against the lowest rental vacancies on record and the biggest rental rises in the nation, the situation is dire and getting worse. 

“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future. 

“The Queensland Housing Crisis has not happened overnight. Queenslanders have watched Labor fail to plan and deliver and now we are living the results. 

“Our priorities include improving housing affordability with more land supply and developing timely plans to identify what infrastructure and services are needed to accommodate our population. 

“It’s clear amid the chaos and crisis of this third-term Labor Government, they’re more focused on big announcements rather than the follow-through.”

Region June 2023 Waitlist Sept 2023 Waitlist
Queensland 41,484 43,074

