State News

Labor rips out community sport funding

20 January 2024

Queensland kids face highest price rises in the country to play sport


Queensland families have experienced the biggest hikes in grassroots sports fees in the nation, following savage cuts by the third-term Labor Government to community organisations.

New Australian Bureau of Statistics inflation data shows in the 12 months to September 2023, the cost of playing sport in Queensland skyrocketed by 10% – the steepest increases of any state.

The rising costs come after Labor cut funding to some of Queensland’s most popular junior sports organisations including Queensland Little Athletics and Queensland Gymnastics.

The third-term Labor Government sneakily changed the name of the funding program that sporting organisations use, and in doing so, also reduced the base amount sporting bodies could access.

Shadow Sports Minister Tim Mander said families were paying the price for Labor Cuts, mismanagement and wasteful spending.

“In the run up to the Olympics we should be encouraging Queenslanders to play sports but Labor’s cuts have seen these costs rise for families,” Mr Mander said.

“This is another alarming example of how Queenslanders are forking out more to pay for Labor’s failures.

“These shocking figures prove the budget pressures mums and dads across Queensland are experiencing while trying to pay fees for their child’s soccer or cricket team.

“Our sporting clubs are part of the way of life in Queensland but Labor’s chaos and crisis has put them out of reach for many families.

“When a government allows budget blowouts and wasteful spending like Wellcamp or the stadium stuff-up, Queenslanders pay the price.

“Our grassroots sporting organisations are simply to trying to stay afloat in the face of increasing costs under Labor.

“These nation-high price rises are a direct result of Labor’s decision to slash funding to their budgets.

“Only the LNP has the right priorities to stop Queenslanders paying for Labor’s failures, including reducing waste rather than hitting Queenslanders with higher taxes and fees.

“Queensland families deserve better.”

Annual Cost Increase – Sports Participation, Sep 2023 (%)
Area Increase Rank
NSW 6.0% 5
VIC 6.9% 3
QLD 10.3% 1
SA 5.7% 6
WA 6.5% 4
TAS 7.6% 2
NT -5.4% 8
ACT 5.0% 7
Aus 6.8% na