State News

Paramedics lose 125,000 hours on ambulance ramps

21 December 2023

Queensland faces worst ambulance ramping in the nation, during Queensland Health Crisis
New analysis exposes the price of Labor’s chaos and crisis


Queensland paramedics have endured the worst start to a year on record, losing nearly 125,000 hours due to ambulance ramping, in the middle of the Queensland Health Crisis.

New data revealed in a Question on Notice shows paramedics lost 124,518 hours while ramped with patients between January and September this year.

Alarmingly, this equates to 46 crews off the road every day, unable to respond to Queenslanders’ urgent requests for help.

The data also shows August was the worst on record, with nearly 14,000 hours lost to ambulance ramping in one month alone.

Shadow Health Minister and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said the Queensland Health Crisis was continuing to worsen, with Queensland facing the worst ambulance ramping in the nation, under Labor’s chaos.

“While Labor has been focused on themselves, the Queensland Health Crisis has continued to impact Queenslanders and our hardworking paramedics,” Ms Bates said.

“After almost a decade in power and four different Health Ministers, our hardworking ambos are losing tens of thousands of hours stuck at the end of ramps.

“It’s costing Queenslanders the treatment they deserve and health staff the ability to do their jobs.

“While paramedics are parked at the end of a ramp, a Queenslander desperately waits at the end of a phone.

“It means they can’t do their jobs and means patients are waiting too long for care.

“Our frontline staff are not the problem. They are going above and beyond to keep our health system on the rails.

“This is a crisis of Labor’s making but their failure to admit it exists has resulted in the startling figures Queenslanders are seeing today.

Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future and that includes easier access to health services. 

“We’ve also put solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.

“While Labor focuses on themselves, we’ll continue our fight to heal the Queensland Health Crisis.”