State News

Same faces front tired, third-term Labor Government

18 December 2023

Queenslanders see straight through Steven Miles’ feeble attempt to rebrand this tired, third-term Labor Government.

Today, Queenslanders are greeted with the same faces, around the same Cabinet table, who have been making all the decisions, all along.

The Health Minister hasn’t changed.

The Housing Minister hasn’t changed.

The Police and Youth Justice Ministers haven’t changed.

The same chaos and crisis will undoubtedly continue.

The ringmaster may have changed, but this is the same circus with the same clowns.

Another Cabinet reheat will do nothing to heal the Queensland Health Crisis, tackle the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis, or ease the Queensland Housing and cost-of-living crises.

After nearly a decade, Queenslanders won’t take a chance on a Government with the same faces, who are responsible for the crises crippling our State.

Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future.