State News

Youth Reoffending Rises Across Queensland

27 January 2024

How many more offences will it take until State Labor takes real action on Youth Crime?

While the State Labor Government continues to spruik its broken youth crime laws, new data has revealed the true extent of Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis.

New figures released by the Australian Government Productivity Commission show the number of young people released from a sentenced supervision who returned within 12 months has jumped from 56.6% to 68.6% in Queensland.

In just 12 months, there’s been a 12% rise in reoffenders aged 10-16 years at the time of their release in Queensland.

This weekend marks three years since Matthew Field, Kate Leadbetter and their unborn son Miles were killed while walking through Alexandra Hills.

The couple was struck by a stolen car driven by a then 17-year-old, after he sped through a red light.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said this third-term Labor Government had overseen a decade of deterioration in the youth crime crisis.

“These numbers simply show Labor’s inability to fix the problem it created,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Because young criminals have no fear of Labor’s weak laws, they are reoffending within months of release.

“Queensland needs stronger interventions to keep our communities safe and change the future for these young people, because current rehabilitation programs are clearly failing.

“No matter how many media releases, denials, dot point plans or Ministerial reshuffles Labor produces, Queenslanders no longer trust Labor to get tough on crime.”

Shadow Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber said the figures were a slap in the face to every victim, and the result of Labor’s decision to water down our laws nine years ago.

“Labor created the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis when they watered down the Youth Justice Act,” Mrs Gerber said.

“It’s been three years since Matthew Field and Kate Leadbetter were killed yet youth crime is getting worse.

“Labor hasn’t taken the action needed to curb this youth crime crisis and prevent more Queenslanders becoming victims.

“Premier Steven Miles has even admitted Labor’s youth crime policy cupboard is bare.

“The chaos and crisis that has engulfed the State Labor Government has made Queenslanders less safe.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to start tackling Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis, including creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention.

“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future, including making our community safer.”